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My freedom cane

3 minute read

Over the course of my career I have had the chance to work with, and support, some very high tech solutions. However, it was a piece of very low tech that ha...

Writing about code

2 minute read

In the long run, one of the things I will likely write most about is scripting and coding wih PowerShell and Python. Alongside this effort, I am in the proce...

Writing about code

2 minute read

In the long run, one of the things I will likely write most about is scripting and coding wih PowerShell and Python. Alongside this effort, I am in the proce...

Site Relaunch

less than 1 minute read

Welcome to my new site and please excuse the mess. As you can see it is a work in progress. It will improve over time as I learn more about what I’m doing an...

Welcome to Jekyll!

less than 1 minute read

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa...